The Hands (MP3)

The Hands (MP3)


Flavio Piras

ARNR 2596

Format: MP3

CD format available here

An exciting collaboration between the visual artist and photographer Flavio Piras and the musician Paolo Fresu. The CD with pieces of outstanding and dreamy charm by Paolo Fresu, Antonello Salis and Furio di Castri can be played on a normal CD reader, while on a CD-ROM reader one can sail happily along in the multimedial installations of Flavio Piras, see over 60 African photos accompanied by the music of Gabin Dabiré or stroll virtually in 4 of his recent exhibitions.
For Microsoft Windows and Macintosh.


  • Composition n.1-Km. 6326 (13:50)

  • Composition n.2-Km. 6275 (3:37)

  • Composition n.3-Km. 383 (4:39)

  • Composition n.4-Km. 6528 (1:22)

  • Composition n.5-Km. 5341 (6:57)

  • Composition n.6-Km. 5714 (1:45)

  • Composition n.7-Km. 5926 (2:14)

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01 - Composition n.1-Km 6326
Flavio Piras
02 - Composition n.2- Km 6275
Flavio Piras
03 - Composition n.3- Km.383
Flavio Piras